A male trogon at Palar, Western Ghats. Male has a slaty black head, while female has olive brown head.

In both the sexes beak is bluish, ring around the eye is bluish, and iris is dark brown.

Male has crimson underside. In female it is ochre.
Harpactes fasciatus of family Trogonidae in order Trogoniformes. Size is that of a treepie. Resident. A unique feature of trogon is its heterodactyl feet- the third and fourth digits face forward, while first and the second digits face backward.
A male trogon at Palar, Western Ghats. Male has a slaty black head, while female has olive brown head.
In both the sexes beak is bluish, ring around the eye is bluish, and iris is dark brown.
Male has crimson underside. In female it is ochre.